Second Training Workshop on LaTeX Software: A Scientific Documentation

Event Date:

December 24, 2021

Event Time:

6:00 pm (IST)

Event Location:

Note: This event has been merged with FDP w.e.f. 5 January to 11 January 2022

Regular workshop on LaTeX

On the demand and kind suggestions from the many participants, we decide to organize virtual workshop on LaTeX Software twice a year in the month of July and December. This event will be always free for all the registered member of MTTF around the world. Registration will remain open throughout the year.

About LaTeX

LATEX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. It takes a computer file, prepared according to the rules of LATEX, and converts it to a form that may be printed on a high-quality printer, such as a laser writer, to produce a printed document of a quality comparable with good quality books and journals. Simple documents, which do not contain mathematical formulae or tables may be produced very easily and effectively.

Why LATEX is more important?

  1. TEX Math Mode is a thing of beauty. Equations come out looking correct.
  2. TEX is guaranteed to be bug-free. The author, Stanford Professor Donald Knuth, will send you a reward check if you find a bug. The reward is currently $ 327.68 (that is, 215 cents).
  3. TEX is free (as in beer) and free (as in speech)
  4. There are no TEX ”macro” viruses. You can safely receive TEX documents by email and not worry about it reading your Outlook address book and mailing copies of itself to all your friends.
  5. TEX has no GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). Word documents are embedded with a code that can be traced back to your computer (the police captured the author of the Melissa virus by tracing his GUID). Big brother Bill is watching!
  6. TEX versions are not incompatible. The file format has never changed.
  7. TEX documents are small and lean. What’s the smallest Word file on your computer?
  8. LATEX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation, furthermost of the Scientific International Journals (SCI, SCIE, SCOPUS, etc.) having good impact factors and International book publishers (Springer, Elsevier, etc.) are publishing their writings in LATEX

Topic will be Covered

  • Introduction to LATEX- why LATEX?
  • Basic Document Creation- creating basic document- changing the class (article, report).
  • Section, subsection, and chapter
  • Paragraph, subparagraph
  • Generating table of contents
  • Starred version of the commands
  • Title creation Formatting the Document- special characters- dashes and hyphens-spacing and newline- footnote- formatting (bold, italic, underline, emph)- itemize and enumerate- flush left and right-writing abstracts
  • Advanced Topics-tables, mathematics-equations
  • Greek letters-equation numbering- vectors
  • Graphics- inserting image- giving caption and label, Referencing- create references.
  • Introduction to Beamer- a brief introduction to beamer-creating presentations using Beamer.
  • Formatting of Research article Using LATEX
  • Writing Synopsis
  • Writing Thesis

If you have any problem related to use of LaTeX Software submit here

Registrations Start: 20 August 2021

Last Date of Registration:  22 December 2021 

Date: 24-26 December 2021 

About the workshop

The workshop will be held through Cisco Webex. All the sessions will be hands-on practical and implementation-based. Recording and presented contents will be provided to each registered participant. The timing of each session will be 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM each day. International Participants are requested to fix their local time with IST. Click here for world clock. Limited seats are available. A certificate to each registered participant will be given after attending successfully.

For registration: Click here


For any query, please submit on helpdesk of the website

Organized By

MathTech Thinking Foundation (MTTF), INDIA

Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.

Event Schedule Details

  • December 24, 2021 6:00 pm   -   December 26, 2021 7:30 pm
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