Skill Development Programes
MTTF is planning to organise various skill development programmes on the basis of individual as well as Institutional registration as per the requirement. In both the conditions, certificates will be issued under the name and stamp of MTTF.
MTTF strongly envisions that the Skill development Program provides quality education to anyone who is keen to learn advanced tools for Research in Mathematics and Computation in the present context.

To acquire requisite skills and experience to be an independent academic researcher.
To develop careers in varied settings beyond academia.
To identify one’s core skills so as to frame future course of action in pursuing job or research.
To gain professional skills and knowledge.
The course of action includes creation of web and video courses for online mode and for offline mode, short term courses on various relevant topics via lectures from well-versed experts. These programmes enfold all the major branches of Mathematics and Computation which are significantly useful in Engineering, Physical Sciences and Management courses at graduate or postgraduate levels in conjunction with the Faculties and Professional Units. More so, it assists the Researchers at preliminary or advanced stage of their exploration as per their requirement –